Enterprise search

Give people what they’re looking for with insight-driven search.

Search is essential to your digital transformation. Leverage real insights from your employees and customers to create search-driven experiences that deliver results.

Person looking at stars with a telescope.

Drive digital transformation with great search experiences.

Enhance productivity

Help employees work smarter and faster with easy, intuitive access to the information, experts, processes and tools they need to get the job done.

Deepen engagement

Create AI-driven personalized search experiences that present the most relevant knowledge, topics, experts and products.

Make better business decisions

Harvest search analytics to uncover and address emerging employee and customer needs.

Create search experiences that empower everyone.

Help your employees and customers find the information they want so they can take action with confidence.


Leverage machine learning and AI to continuously improve search and ensure you always present the best results.


Use the search analytics and insights you gather to optimize the search experience.


Build a search index across different platforms and systems to provide a single place to find anything.


Leverage insights from the Microsoft Graph, Dynamics CRM or other line-of-business systems to surface the most relevant results.


Deliver search-powered content pages that display the most relevant knowledge, topics, experts and products inline without needing to search.


Determine the security and access requirements and trim results to ensure people can only see the content they should.

Your search is over.

We’ll help you create search experiences that drive employee productivity and customer satisfaction.

Search expertise

We’ve been creating search-driven employee and customer solutions for over two decades.

Experience led

We pair our deep empathetic research and experience design skills to craft search experiences that help people achieve their goals.

Enterprise friendly

We understand the complexity of the enterprise search challenge and the rigor that is required to create a great experience for all.

Are you planning an enterprise technology project? Get in touch and I can help you think through the big questions. I’d love to hear what you’re working on.

Our commitment to reconciliation

Learn how Habanero is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action as a settler-owned company operating on Indigenous territories across what is now called Canada.

Read about our commitment